Fact Sheets Information, resources and expert advice for tenants in NSW Starting a Tenancy Starting a tenancyBondUtilitiesTransfer and sub-lettingDiscriminationTenant databasesResidential Tenancies Act Rent and bond Rent increasesRent Increase Negotiation KitRent arrearsBondTenant databasesLandlord ends agreementThe Tribunal (NCAT) Repairs and utilities Repairs and maintenanceUtilitiesLocks and securityAsbestos and leadMouldSmoke alarmsDisaster damageThe Tribunal (NCAT) Privacy, access and security Privacy and accessLocks and securityDomestic violenceSale of rented premisesTenant databasesThe Tribunal (NCAT) Eviction Landlord ends agreementSale of rented premisesGoods left behindMortgagee repossessionBondTenant databasesThe Tribunal (NCAT) You want to leave You want to leaveEnding a fixed-term tenancy earlyDomestic violenceTransfer and sub-lettingSale of rented premisesMortgageee repossessionBondThe Tribunal (NCAT) Share houses, boarders and lodgers Share housingTransfer and sub-lettingBoarders and lodgersBoarding Houses ActThe Tribunal (NCAT) Public, community & Aboriginal housing Aboriginal rentersPublic and community housingThe Tribunal (NCAT)A guide for housing providers